Cyndi Byars created this amazing Hat Size Chart with hat sizes from preemie through adult. It’s such a great resource and takes the guesswork out of hat sizing for crochet and knit hats. That means you can customize any hat pattern to the exact size you need!
The 4-page printable includes a crochet hat size chart that provides average measurements for hats ranging in size from preemie to adult. But the best part is that it also includes hat size templates for working the crown and height of every size. That way you can just compare your piece to the templates for the correct size … no need to measure!
Printable Hat Size Chart – Preemie through Adult
To download the free hat measurement guide, just click on the image below or the text below the image. To ensure accurate sizing of the hat templates when printing, be sure to set your print settings to 100% or actual size, not fit to page or scaling.
(click here ->) Hat Measurements by Cyndi Byars
How to use the hat sizing Guide
Once you have downloaded and printed the size charts, you will find a series of circular templates for hat crown diameters, as well as a size chart and templates for hat heights. For example, the following chart provides the average head circumferences for each age, followed by the suggested hat circumference, hat crown diameter, and hat height to fit that head size.

You can use the chart above on it’s own for all your hat sizing, along with a measuring tape of course, or you can keep things super simple and just use the circular hat templates as a guide for proper sizing (see below).
How to use the Circular hat templates
Each circular template represents the crown size you need to increase to for that particular hat size. For example, if we wanted to crochet or knit a hat for newborn, we would stitch our flat circle until we reach approximately 3.5 – 4 in. across, or until it matches the size of the template.

Getting the Proper Hat Height
Then we can stop increasing and work evenly (that is, no more increasing) until we reach the hat height indicated in the hat height templates, in this case 4.5 – 5.5 in.

Reader Tip!
And here’s a helpful tip! A few readers mentioned that they printed out and laminated the templates and used a key ring to keep them together and handy in their project bags. So smart!
Ready to try it out?
Try the crochet hat size chart out yourself with one of these free hat patterns here or click on one the choices below and customize it to any size you need …
- Basic Striped Hat Crochet Pattern
- Baby Hat Crochet Patterns … Sizes Newborn through 12 Months
- Preemie Crochet Hat Pattern … Two Sizes
- Little Sweetheart Hat
A huge thank you to Cyndi Byars for agreeing to share her Hat Size Chart with the Petals to Picots community!!

What is meant by “crown circle diameter?”
is there a similar print out for beanies crocheted from the rim up? i use this guide almost every time i make a basic top-down beanie and would love to be able to have one for the bottom-up style too! thanks!
Hello, why can’t I print out the pages. This would be very useful if I could get them in full size.
Click where it says “click here” Hat measurements by Cindy, that will let you print it out.
Why cant I print this out? This will be very usefull.
Is there a video somewhere on how to use these charts?
Is there any chance that you could advise me as to how I could easily alter the pattern to make a hat for a 3 year old and for a 1 year old? I’m an experienced crocheter, but I have always worked from a pattern for a given size. The Hat guide is not as helpful for me.
Hi Mary 🙂 For the hat for the 1 year old you can try this pattern … You will see that the first Rounds are increasing rounds that follow a certain sequence. To make a larger hat, like for a 3 year old, continue that increasing sequence until the flat circle reaches the diameter noted in the charts in the post above. Then work evenly, that is, 1 stitch in each stitch around until you reach the proper length, also noted in the charts in the post above. Make sense?
OK, now to ask a crazy question: what exactly is meant by “CROWN CIRCLE Diameter”? Is that a few rounds down from the top circle? And then the “HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE” is what….the measurement around the forehead level?
Sorry, but I’ve never had any of that explained to me before. The only hats I’ve made were the exact size of the pattern matched my own head. But now I’m needing to learn to make some for other people with larger heads than mine, and I realized that I don’t understand the terminology of the charts & how that correlates to placements on someone’s head.
Hi Nancy 🙂 You are correct … the head circumference is the measurement around your head at forehead level. The crown circle diameter is the measurement across of the flat circle you are crocheting. For example, when you are crocheting the increasing rounds you create a flat circle; when the flat circle diameter measures the size on the chart, you stop increasing and then work the pattern evenly (that is, no more increasing). Hope that helps!
please disregard comment as i figured it out. Thank you
Glad you were able to download it!
I’m not able to get the hat charts. Nothing happens when I click on the link. I’m using my phone, would that matter?
If you click on click here nothing happens but if you click beside it on hat measurements it works.
I appreciate your hat chart so much you just made things so much easier for all of us!
That’s great – but I had to make sure the ‘fit to page’ option was unticked when printing, otherwise all the measurements were wrong!! The pages are a bit too wide for A4 but still get most of it 🙂
Unfortunately the link to the printables is not visible on the page I habe tried several tomes
I would love to have these
Could you please email me the link or pdf
Thanks in advance for your time and assistance
Hi Barb 🙂 If you click on the large font that says “Hat Measurments by Cyndi Byars” it will take you to the pdf.
I can not figure out how to print these pages please help
wow & thank you
There’s no link for the hat size chart it just clicks back to this page again can you please supply the link for me?
Hello 🙂 If you click on “Hat Measurments by Cyndi Byars” the pdf should open to print or download
enable to print hat charts, help
I’m sorry, I’m not finding any where to download these four pages. If someone can please help me I would really appreciate it. Thank you
To download, click on the blue link: Hat Measurements by Cyndi Byars. ☺
Exeecllnt tips, I often remove my glasses to blur things up a little. I enjoy working with linoleum and negative space is extra important when you have to remove so much of it.
These are wonderful! Is it ok to share this this link, giving Cyndi full credit, of course? Such a great resource!
Hi Ellen 🙂 So glad you found this helpful! Yes, you most definitely can share the link to this post. Thanks for asking 🙂
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! It doesn’t matter what yarn or hook size I use, I can now always make my hats the right size. I’m going to print these onto my inkjet transparencies and cut them out with my Cricut Explore to put on a key ring to keep in my crochet bag. Thanks for sharing such a fantastic resource. 🙂
Thank you so much for this!
Hope you find it helpful!
I can’t get it to print out four charts. It just prints out the way it looks up on the top of the page, with them over lapping.
I had the same problem but finally found the correct place to click on. Click on “Hat measurements by Cyndi Byars” which is in the blue color between paragraphs.
Thanks for explaining that Kelley it was driving me mad not being able to see it all x
very useful chart. Thank you so much for sharing.
Thank you so much for sharing this resource!
I have hat measurements plastered all over my bookmarks but this is fabulous!! I will have everything in one place. Thank you both so much for sharing!
Great information!! Thank You and Cyndi for sharing!
Thanks to you and Cyndi for sharing this! My hats are ALWAYS too short. This will help so much.
Thank you for this amazing share!!!
Thank you so much for this wonderful resource.
Wow! This will come in handy especially since fall is on its way. Thank you for finding this and sharing. My hat is off to Cyndi. He! He!