Use up all those leftover balls of yarn you have laying around with a colorful crochet scrapghan!
what is a scrapghan?
If you are new to the term scrapghan, it is exactly what you are thinking … an afghan made from yarn scraps.
scraps + afghan = scrapghan
Why Make a scrapghan?
Here are a few of my favorite things about making a scrapghan …
- reliving the memories of past projects and perhaps the special occasions or times in your life that go along with them
- the opportunity to try out a new pattern or technique without worrying about ruining your new or expensive yarn
- a chance to get creative and play with color combinations
- and of course, using up all the leftover yarn!
Finding the perfect crochet scrap afghan Pattern
There are so many afghan patterns that would work for making a scrapghan. My favorites are of course a granny square blanket or even a granny hexagon blanket. But there are so many options. Just see for yourself in this extensive roundup of stashbusting crochet afghans below.
I’ve also rounded up some of my favorite free crochet afghan patterns using scrap yarn …

As shown clockwise from top to center: Granny Hexagons, Vintage Wobble Afghan, Happy Colours Blanket, Classic Granny Square Afghan, Blackberry Salad Striped Baby Blanket, Granny Square Sampler, Groovy-ghan, Modern Mitered Granny Square.
And more …
Beatrice Ryan Designs CAL Afghan
Granny Stripes
Or how about building an afghan of your own with one (or more!) of these motif patterns …

As shown clockwise from top to center: Classic Granny Square, Motif #105, Granny Hexagon, Motif #22, Peace Sign Granny Square, Heart Granny Square, Iced Pie Square Crochet Pattern.
And more …
Count me in too. I love scrap quilts and afghans, lots of color and lots to enjoy.
I don’t understand drop color A and then start color B in “any 3 chain space” and of coarse again start color C in any 3 chain space. Are you totally cutting the yarn between each row ? And you can start row 2 or 3 at any 3 chain space ?
I’m in…..maybe this way I will actually finish something 🙂
I may be casually late to the party, but I am going to start one too 🙂 I have to find some coordinating colors in my bottomless Bin O Yarn, but I am wanting to make a fun granny square aphgan for a wedding gift for my cousin. I love how this one whips up and I like the idea of it being so portable, so I can work on it anywhere! Thanks for a great idea & pattern!
I am new to crochet but have knitted for years so I have a lot of scraps. Would love to do the scrapghan. I just need the pattern. It sounds like fun. I hope I can learn to do the granny squares. I have a granny square sampler for 35 patterns. Can’t wait together started. Pjp
I am in, always got plenty of small balls of yarn.
I can’t wait to see what all of you come up with!
Such a fun challenge!!
I’m in…..I have TONS of yarn scraps! 😉
I consider myself an advanced beginner and have only made a couple of practice granny squares. I have been looking at patterns and considering getting my “granny square” on, so this comes at a really opportune time for me. I would love to do this CAL. Thanks!
FYI – on the scissors on the plane issue: I was looking for some cottons today and some stitch markers….
and I found a yarn snipper that is NOT scissors….will be ‘airline approved’. Like a little wheel with ‘notches’ and it snips yarn quite nicely….cost a whopping $1.47 (at Walmart)….it’s made so you can hang it around your neck (I put a length of yarn through it and will be carrying on….harder to lose with that bright green yarn attached!
so ! if you’re planning to fly, look for one of these little doodads!
I’m definitely in — have several afghans in the works right now, a no beginning chain afghan and a basket weave baby blanket plus I always have some chemo caps in the works.
Can’t wait!
i’m in!!
Sounds fun do I need to do anything special?
Nope, just get your scraps together and start thinking about what kind of scrapghan you want to make. You can do the granny square that I will be sharing next week one along with me or pick a different pattern to try. And if you’d like you can also join the Ravelry group to mingle and share ideas with the other ladies 🙂
I would love to do this!! Looking forward to doing this
I am in!! Love the idea of “ongoing” as well! Going to gather my supplies now : )
am In, O.K.
Sounds like a lot of fun!
I have not done this kind of project before… but would love to hook along!
I’m in never made a scrapgahn so I’m looking forward to this!
I am looking forward to it. I have so many scraps to use.
I’m in.
I’d like to make a large (king size bed) blanket with a five pointed granny. It will be continuous with variegated yarn. How many skeins would I need? And is there a trick to creating five points? It would look like a star on the bed.
Hi Joan 🙂 I am not sure how many you would need for a blanket like that. The idea of this crochet along is to use up the scraps and little balls you have leftover from other projects so we really won’t be talking about yardage.
I’m in, I’ll have pictures soon.
Let’s go!
Yes, definitely! I have TWO BAGS of scraps all ready for this project!! Good timing, indeed!! 😉
Count me in on the crochet a long!
Yes, definitely!!! I’ve got TWO BAGS full of scraps, just waiting for this project! Great timing indeed!!!! 😉
Sounds like fun and I’ve been trying to get started on an afghan….have done scarves, hats, cuddly animals, etc…and even a couple of pillow covers in living room (LOVE, love, love Attic 24’s “Blooming Pillow” and have done that one…so an afghan it is!
Will be flying cross-country in a couple of days, may try to do some work while in the air….have to think ahead, though, since I can’t have my handy scissors to clip yarn and change colors…any suggestions?
No scissors! I hadn’t thought of that … do they let you bring nail clippers?? I will be sharing the pattern for the granny blanket I am working on if you want to give that a go. Have a safe trip!
You can bring scissors if the blades are less then 4 in. Think kids safetynscisdord
Yarn cutter pendant would work i think!
Is this something that is simple enough for someone who has never crocheted could do?
That may be a challenge. Perhaps you would like to work your way through my Learn to Crochet series here and then join us …
Sounds Great! have a load of scraps!
Sounds great!,count me in
So excited! Not only do I have lots of leftovers, but I am always buying bags of scraps & skeins at thrift stores. Can’t wait to get started!
Count me in, I’m just starting a mixed stitch scrapgahn.
I’m in! So excited to have something fun to make with all the scrap yarn piling up in my craft room!
I am so in! Sounds like fun!
I’m in the middle of a couple of quick baby blankets for charity using up some of my stash right now. I have so many scrap granny squares & granny hexes that are waiting to be put together. I make a bunch, add them to a big ziplock bag, & they wait… I have to decide on my joining color, then I’m in.
Sounds like a fun idea – I am just about to start granny square project – I am going to make myself a bag. Grannies are the best!
Sounds like fun!
I’m in 🙂
Hi! Count me in on the granny square scrapghan (GSS)! I have so many bits and bobs around..I can do it! I live in 2 places, Uk and Spain, so I will start one in each place! Spain first I think! Catch up with you soon! Xx
That’s great, I’m in!… I’ve just finished a massive blanket, time for another one.