cro·chet·er’s cramp \krō-ˈshā-ərs ˈkramp\ n. A medical term used to describe the painful spasmodic contraction of muscles of the hand or fingers brought on by excessive crocheting. Also see knitter’s cramp.
edg·y \ˈe-jē\ adj. Term used to describe an individual who uses bold or provocative edges to finish a work.
fi·ber \ˈfī-bər\ n. A natural or synthetic filament typically capable of being spun into yarn. Experts now recommend using 4 to 6 skeins a day for optimal health.
FO \ˈef-ˈō\ abbr. Finished object.
frog \ˈfrȯg\ v. To rip out stitches. R-r-r-rip it, r-r-r-rip it.
hooked \ˈhu̇kt\ adj. Term used to describe the state of euphoria of one immersed in a project.
hook·er \ˈhu̇-kər\ n. 1. One that hooks. 2. A woman who earns her livelihood through creativity and her prowess with a crochet hook.
knit·ter’s cramp \ˈnit-ərs ˈkramp\ n. A medical term used to describe the painful spasmodic contraction of muscles of the hand or fingers brought on by excessive knitting. Also see crocheter’s cramp.
loop·y \ˈlü-pē\ adj. Bizarre behavior brought on by excessive crocheting or knitting.
PhD \ˌpē-ˌāch-ˈdē\ abbr. Projects half done.
plarn \ˈplärn\ n. Strips of plastic cut from used shopping bags to be re-purposed into yarn.
UFO \ˌyü-(ˌ)ef-ˈō\ abbr. Unfinished object.
UFP \ˌyü-(ˌ)ef-ˈpē \ abbr. Unfinished pattern. Acronym used to describe a finished object and scribbled notes waiting to be translated into a coherent pattern.
WIP \ˈdə-bəl-(ˌ)yü-ˈī-ˈpē\ abbr. Work in progress.
yarn bomb·ing \ˈyärn ˈbäm-iŋ\ n. Knit or crocheted street art done with the purpose of beautifying the landscape. Incidents sometimes end with the phrase “Ma’am, please drop the crochet hook and step away from the mailbox.”
yarn cave \ˈyärn ˈkāv\ n. 1. Term used to describe a space dedicated to yarn and fiber arts. 2. A refuge from daily stresses where one can be alone and indulge in yarnie things.
yar·nie \ˈyär-nē\ n. A slang term used to describe a person who has an obsession with either natural or man-made fibers or filaments used in crocheting and knitting.
yar·ni·verse \ˈyärn-ə-ˌvərs\ n. 1. A world or sphere in which yarn exists or prevails. 2. A distinct field or province of thought or reality that forms a closed system or self-inclusive and independent organization of yarnies.
yar·ni·vore \ˈyär-nə-ˌvȯr\ n. One who consumes large amounts of yarn.
yar·ne·to·pi·a \ˈyär-neˈtō-pē-ə\ n. A place of ideal perfection.
See my shop for a fun yarnie tote and women’s T-shirt.
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